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The image of God in belief.

We don't know very well about religion of primitive man.

On the basis of a number of archaeological finds, it is believed that our ancestors began their adventure with the religion of worshiping the forces of nature, which to this day can be seen in some wild tribes. Divine abilities attributed to animals, plants and weather phenomena. Nature could not be tamed, so as "to create a" stronger than the man deserved to worship it. In this way, according to the theory of scientists, we created the idea of God. So God, according to our early ancestors, is simply part of the universe, having the advantage over a human being. Gradually they create a mythology, which was to give people answers to many troubling questions about the creation of the world, living beings, and what happens after death. Knowledge on these subjects attributed to divine beings, as a stronger than man certainly knew more about it than he did. To do this, they imagined that deities make up the world using similar tools and activities, which man uses in his life. And so we have the myth in which the gods sticky, sculpt or spit out the surrounding parts of the world. We are in contact with the beginnings of personification of divine power. It is the result of a natural process of human explanation - always we use terms that are familiar to us. Later personification of gods went ahead and new religions entered so-called "Human gods". Perhaps arose because man came to the conclusion that myth like "Divine cow spoke to the divine lion and together they created the earth" sounds too irrational and "discovered" that God must have a human form to deftly manipulate a matter. Some believe that the gods were simply a response to our limitations. They dreamed about actions impossible for a man such as flying and it was concluded that if existed a creature with human features being able to break through the limits would have to be a god. Exactly ... "If there was." The man who reason in this way would think of myths as more of fairy tales, and not as a religion. Meanwhile, the ancients were convinced that their gods actually exist. In many religions even they believed that in the distant past deities lived on earth, walking among mortals, but for obvious or unknown reasons, suddenly everyone moved to areas inaccessible to humans or other dimensions. A lie invented by priests to authenticate a little bit polytheism? Or stories about human gods have a hint of the truth? One, probably every well-known theory is that the ancient deities were strangers from outer space who helped us build our civilizations. Others seek to explain the magic, or rather the energy that the man allegedly could control the ball. According to them, certain groups of people have done so in the times of ancient, and the other, seeing the miracles done by them, they began to pray to them. A third theory, the most mundane, it is assumed that the gods were just the elite, who first mastered the art of manipulation and possessed a more advanced knowledge about nature. I can't judge who actually were human gods, if any exist. The fact is that people believed in them and that ancient civilizations had really a lot of knowledge about our world, which often amazes us even today. Can someone gave it to us? Maybe we all discovered, but we lost that knowledge at a time when the darkness of the Middle Ages came ? Some would probably indignant and said: "How is it ?! It's impossible for people without advanced technology, without electricity were able to so immerse themselves in our universe! "Really? And what about philosophy? Is this not the art of discovering the world through reason alone? We know the ancient and medieval philosophers whose theories turned out to be true. Even Democritus and atomism. Of course, it is impossible to carry out without the experience and construct devices to know the universe hundred percent. However, the theory which says that in the past the human mind was able to understand more than the current may contain a hint of truth. The ancients, not having access to certain inventions have more opportunities to exercise your mind as well as more opportunities to take a break from the belief that only tested by means of experiments theory has the right to be used in everyday life.

The next epoch in the history of religion began with the advent of monotheism. Belief in one God born simultaneously in three different parts of the Middle East before the year 1000 b.j.c.(if you look at the actual data beginnings of religion and reject the stories of individual people as such. Abraham). The best-known to us monotheistic religion is Judaism, originally called mozaism. As the founder of this religion is considered to Moses, the man who was supposed to lead the Hebrews wandering the land of Canaan, where they settled permanently. Judaism, unlike the other two religions which just mention, has stood the test of time and has spread around the world, releasing two branches - Christianity and Islam.

The other monotheistic religion also exists to this day, but little is known Zoroastrianism. For its creator is believed Zoroaster, the Persian masdaism priest - initial, polytheistic religion of the peoples of Iran. Due to the low prevalence of this belief, hardly anyone can notice how many similarities there between it and Christianity. The idea of Satan, Hell and Heaven and the birth of the Messiah from a virgin just come from Zoroster and were not originally part of Judaism.

The third monotheistic religion, the existing very short and exterminated immediately after the death of its creator were reformed beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten tried to elevate Aton above other Egyptian deities, which were to be his helpers, not a full-fledged gods. This reform, however, has not accepted, and after the death of Pharaoh was hailed as a heretic. What made Moses, Zoroaster, and Akhenaten to put faith in one God? One can assume that the same thing that leads me now to try to upgrade a religion - doubting previously adopted version. How has the Creator arose at the end of the second millennium BC? Contrary to all appearances - a little. Aton Egyptian and Persian Ahura Mazda were the greatest versions of deities known from polytheism. In the imagination of people, they had the body, able to speak and in everything resembled the human except that dominion over nature. In the original version of Judaism, even Yahweh little different from them. If carefully read the Five Books of Moses, especially in the story of Abraham can catch words such as "come", "he said," "left," which had just refer to God. Well, this famous statement: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them male and female." Ok ... But to this day, some of us believe that the Creator has a body and can talk to us! However, over the years, Jehovah is that we gradually dehumanizes. Currently, he probably closer to the spirit than to a human being. It seems that the next epoch in the history of religion would be atheism. Scientific discoveries definitely shown us that personified God, whether it is with the body, whether it's being a spirit, has no right to exist in this universe, which is known to us. And instead of looking for the truth, rather than try to change your idea of the Creator, we decided to go completely rejected. There really is not help for religion? Is it necessary that we entered into the jaws of atheism, which, contrary to all appearances, does not lead to anything good? In atheism man is a God for himself. Nature does not frighten him, but it inspires contempt, becomes for him the next subject, which can be acquired and bridle, and then ... destroy. The case is the same with other human beings. Already one unit convinced of its superiority and having no need to humble himself before anyone makes a lot of problems. And now imagine that such people are 7,000,000,000. What to do to tame them? Enter the educational program, to guide their lives. This is where atheism is not much different from religion. And much more difficult to bring in the order, at the same time if you want to keep the faith in man as the highest and social hierarchy. Another disadvantage of atheism is depriving the individual of one of the sources of psychological support and opportunities for spiritual development. While believers with many problems can cope "alone" when for a moment to pray and "Taken" the strength of the mighty God, the atheist will be running for help to all your friends and psychologists, but because they are all just people, it will be hard to believe him in the effectiveness of their advice. Atheist often than believers will ask yourself: "Why do we exist? What is the point of the world? How should I live? "His life will be more chaotic if this does not invent itself at a fixed philosophy.

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