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Religious and secular understanding of morality.

There is no doubt that the policy of religious violence, which has been used for centuries by it, has revenged itself both in the form of a severe and profound religious crisis, at least in institutional terms, as well as aggressive in its anti-clericalism and journalism.

 If the proponents of the preservation of the public status of religion in the state invoke historical and cultural contexts, traditions and habits, history is one of the strongest arguments for secularization. Some thinkers and ordinary people have doubt in the credibility of the religious vision of the world, perceiving violent religious conflicts. They also perceive that people are more afraid of judgments and human judgments, which they know and experience better than the divine verdicts of which they have only vague imagery. Moreover, beliefs, especially religious ones, are not capable of exerting an influence on behavior unless they correspond to the individual interests. And religious beliefs can be harmful, because the divine command can be sanctified by any, even the most drastic measure. Religion, replacing natural moral principles with abstract imagery, has destroyed, based on human nature and mutual sympathy and morality, establishing an abstract ideal of morality, which places religious obligations first and the idea of reconciliation with the invisible and unrecognized deity. If religion is so important and needed to maintain a certain pattern of morality in society, as clerics say, it is worth considering what ethical assumptions create natural morals and sympathy among people, causing various types of violence, led by world wars. After all, the fundamental principle of every religion is - Do not kill!

Destruction of the ideal of morality is now caused by such ethical assumptions as: 1) the idea of forgiveness, redemption of sin;

2) validity in practice the material things like - ceremonies, rituals, rites, all religious practices) than the sphere of spirit, the ideal of the moral self-perfection of the individual.

Religious morality is based on the will of God and the relationship between man and God. But this attitude is only imaginary, because God is a being no one can understand. That is why everyone creates his own image of God, corresponding to his character or finally the benefits. So, in reality, religious morality is not based on the will of God, but on the will of individuals and groups who debate about dogma of faith.

Why did this happen? Because people have forgotten their relationship with nature and through it - the relationship with its  Creator - God.

How many people go to sacred objects, pray, falsely worship God, promising improved behavior, and after the end of the rite they return to their bad habits - rumors about neighbors, slander, conflicts, bullying, cruelty to animals ect ...?

From one fairy tale we entered the others, from one myth to another. Apparently we like fairy tales.

God, as the Creator of nature, can not command people to do things contrary to nature, and therefore incompatible with the reality he created himself. Thus, religious morality, which often commands actions and habits that are inconsistent with the nature of man as a corporeal and sensual being, is incompatible with the will of God, the Creator of all nature, by presenting God as a being contrary to himself.

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